Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2020 —
Leave No One Behind to Achieve the SDGs in Africa
Plus English and French Summary reports
Client: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) and the SDG Center for Africa
Design, Layout and Data Visualizations. 248 pages plus the 51 page Indicator Profiles.
Pica Publishing was very honored to develop our 3rd Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report.
We also produced the Summary Report in English and French.
The 2020 Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report provides an assessment of where African countries stand with respect to the SDGs and their progress toward the goals, with the additional lens of “leave no one behind.” The report also includes a preliminary analysis of the impact of COVID‑19 on the SDGs in Africa.
Download the full Reports here: https://www.sdgindex.org/ and here https://sdgcafrica.org/reports/