UNSDSN Sustainable Development Report 2020 —
The Sustainable Development Goals and Covid-19
Client: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN)
Design, Layout, Data Visualizations, Editing. 520 pages plus the 104 page Indicator Profiles.
Pica Publishing was, for our 4th year running, very proud to have collaborated with our good friends at SDSN to produce this important publication. We were doubly proud to have been asked to copyedit the report.
Side publications include a G20 and Large Countries edition.
The Sustainable Development Report 2020 provides a report card for country performance on the historic Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The annual report shows how leaders can deliver on their promise and it urges countries not to lose the momentum for important reforms.
Get the full report here: www.sdgindex.org